Multicomponent peptide complex MyRealWay for women has 100% natural ingredients. It is hormone-free way to stay young and beautiful at any age, and regulate hormonal balance. It quickly rejuvenates cells and wakes up your organism. My Real Way food supplements with eptides, minerals, vitamins, herbs help normalize work of reproductive organs, hormonal disorders, restore fertility, activate natural rejuvenation, slow down climax and menopause.
We recommend to use programs of complex prevention and rehabilitation taking several bioregulators, where the basic bioregulator activates cells or a target organ and other bioregulators regulate functions of other interrelated organs or systems. Bioregulators for programs below are selected using traditional approach based on symptoms and clinical examination. For individual programs of prevention and healing, please contact your local diagnostic center, using our food supplements for cell bioregulation and regeneration or email us at
Restore reproductive function
WomanTIDE PLUS - 2 cap.a day
Epiphysis-cerebriTIDE PLUS – 1 cap. in the evening
ThyroidTIDE PLUS - 1 cap. in the morning
Menstrual disorders
WomanTIDE PLUS - 2 cap. a day
UrinaTIDE PLUS – 1 cap. in the morning
NervesTIDE PLUS – 1 cap. in the evening
BrainTIDE PLUS (if a headache) – 1 cap. in the morning
MenoTIDE PLUS – 1 cap. in the morning
ThyroidTIDE PLUS – 1 cap. a day
MemoryTIDE PLUS – 1 cap. a day
NervesTIDE PLUS – 1 cap. before a bedtime
ParathyroidTIDE PLUS – 1 cap. a day
BoneTIDE PLUS – 2 cap. a day
DuodenumTIDE PLUS – 1 cap. a day
WomanTIDE PLUS or – 1 cap. a day
MenoTIDE PLUS (women over 55 y.o.)